Chapter 461: Such a Clean Theft_1

Xia Yiwan blinked.

"Wanwan, don't look so worried, you'll get used to being kidnapped after a while. Plus, I'm very capable, so don't worry," Mu Cangkong said.

Xia Yiwan was about to say something else when Yan Xia suddenly exclaimed, "Wanwan, your hand!"

Xia Yiwan's hand was red and swollen from the rope.

Upon seeing this, Qin Ruo'an was taken aback, "Junyan, quickly bring the ointment that Bai Bing gave me. Wanwan is injured."

"Alright," Pu Junyan immediately went upstairs to get it.

Xia Yiwan hastily withdrew her hand, "I'm fine."

"You say you're fine when your wrist is this swollen?" Qin Ruo'an started crying as she said this.

"...Mom, it's just a small wound," Xia Yiwan quickly hugged her to comfort her.

"Wanwan, you see? The moment you return, my brother and I instantly lose attention," Mu Cangkong said with a grudge.

"Your mom doesn't cry when my brother goes missing, but cries like a faucet when you get a small injury."