188, The so-called perfect match is no more than this 12_1

Shi Yihan didn't really want to grill, but Song Qinghuan shoved two chicken legs into his hands insistent that he should. All through this, Li Chengyun was elegantly sipping a glass of red wine, sitting quietly to the side, his eyes drifting over to Yu Jingrong now and then.

Yu Jingrong had been silently grilling chicken wings. Once done, feeling quite hungry, she was about to feast on them.

Li Chengyun noticed and immediately warned her, "Eating burnt stuff can lead to cancer."

Hence, Yu Jingrong halted and looked up at Li Chengyun, who seemed a little discontented. He said, "How can you not even know how to grill chicken wings? What have you been eating for the past three years?"

Everyone watched the two of them — it was all quite suggestive, full of winks and smirks, pretending to play it cool.

Yu Jingrong, as if not hearing him, dug into her chicken wings. Li Chengyun couldn't watch anymore and said, "Wait a while before eating."