841 The mountain rain is about to fall, the wind fills the building9

Xu Congqing let out a laugh and turned his head to glance at Yu Jingrong, his voice carrying a hint of arrogance, "I wouldn't dare make claims about other places, but here in Mingyue Mountain, there's no place Xu Congqing cannot navigate or jade I cannot find!"

Yu Jingrong listened, offering a leisurely smile, casual and elegant, heartening and brilliant.

Just as Xu Congqing thought she would speak up, she remained silent, her voice soft and cool, "You just need to take me to Cave Number Three, that's all, no more questions!"

Cave Number Three was what Aqi had investigated for her. Among the many places in Mingyue Mountain, only Cave Number Three might have Tianhuang stones.

She didn't want to tell Xu Congqing about it for now. Tianhuang stones were really too difficult to come by. Her father had said that after he discovered them, he had never told anyone because there was also such a stone, and when he looked for it again, it was already gone.