Chapter 3 Did You Fall in Love with Me_1

"Mu Yeli, why are you so petty? So I drugged you, and now you want to silence me by killing me? Why so violent? Could it be that last night was your first time? You're not angry because I was the one who took your virginity, are you?"


This woman!

Indeed, it was his first time.

He didn't usually feel anything for women, and even felt extreme disgust when he saw some. Being a clean freak, he especially loathed the filthy, heavily made-up faces and the nauseating perfume scents women wore.

Yet, these words were coming from this woman's mouth.

What on earth was she playing at?

They'd met only once after their marriage a few days ago. She had tried to please him, humbling herself to the dust. However, the more she behaved this way, the more disgusted he felt.

His gloomy gaze fixated on her stellar eyes, the light shining within them looked mischievous. When she looked at him, her eyes sparkled slyly.

"So, you've changed your tactics to deal with me, haven't you?" Mu Yeli coldly approached her, his grip on her not lessening in the least.

Ye Ning seriously believed that if he continued torturing her in this freshly revived body, she would definitely end up meeting King Yama.

She struggled hard against him.

"Haha, do I need tactics to deal with a man who's never even touched a woman? You're overestimating yourself. Let go of me. You dislike me, don't you? Yet, you're so close to me. Could it be that after last night, you've discovered the pleasure and fallen in love with me?"

Ye Ning was swinging her arms and kicking her legs, but her strength was no match to this robust man's.


Mu Yeli had no clue what was happening to his body. It was aflame because of her, a fire that quickly ignited deep within him.

Ye Ning quickly sensed something was wrong. She saw his facial expression go through several changes, each one worse than the last.

She was doomed, this was not happening. She couldn't die yet.

Ye Ning screamed in her heart. In this critical moment, she decided to be daring. After all, she'd already come this far. She raised her hand, reaching around his neck and sealed her lips onto his seemingly inviting ones...

The man was stunned, his dark eyes filled with bewilderment.

Before her travel through time, Ye Ning had never even held a man's hand let alone kissed anyone.

The naive lips forcefully landed on Mu Yeli.

What on earth was this woman doing?!

Mu Yeli was close to going insane.