[001] She is the One Who Steps Through Books_1

With a chocolate bar dangling from her mouth and a bottle of soy sauce for Mrs. Wang next door in her hands, An Yeran slowly walked into the alleyway.

Since the original owner's father passed away, An Yeran had been living with Mrs. Wang.

Speaking of the original owner, yes, An Yeran had transmigrated into the body of a little eight-year-old girl.

The day her own Zhonghua Martial Arts Hall was provoked by the guys in the neighboring Taekwondo Hall, as the eldest disciple, she had no choice but to take the front line and fight back.

After beating the opposite side to tears and disgrace, everyone in the martial arts hall celebrated the bravery of the eldest disciple by dining at everyone's favorite Barbecue Shop.

Unfortunately, that evening, An Yeran drank too much, tripped, and tragically drowned in the sewer outside the store.


Which damned thief stole the manhole cover?!

Fortunately, she didn't completely die, she was rescued while she was still breathing, but her soul had left her body, making her a vegetative person.

Then she came across a system who called itself "S12".

The system was about to bind the host for transmigration, but unexpectedly, it also took her soul along with it!

S12 felt deeply remorseful, but the time-space tunnel could only be opened once every ten years, so S12 sent her soul to a girl with the same name and surname as her, and as long as she stayed in the girl's body till she turned eighteen and committed suicide by jumping off a tall building, she could return to her present world.

An Yeran had no choice but to go along with it for now.

When she transmigrated, the girl's father named An had just passed away. The local people told her that she also had a mother who had recently married into a rich family, and was living quite a grand life.

After her father's death, the police contacted her mother. According to the laws in C Country, if one divorced parent dies due to illness or accident, the other must take care of the child. So the police demanded her mother to take her back.

According to the police's information, her mother's name was Jiang Li, and she also had a sister named Jiang Anxue. Her sister took after her mother's surname, she took her father's surname. The two of them also resembled their respective parents.

The names sounded familiar.

After recording her statement at the police station, Mrs. Wang next door took pity on her and offered her shelter in her house until her mother arrived.

An Yeran was worried about not having food because the original owner's father had died, but she hadn't expected Mrs. Wang next door to be so kind!

She immediately packed all her belongings that night and moved to Mrs. Wang's house.

Mrs. Wang was living alone and her children were working outside, so she was quite lonely. So for these past days, An Yeran not only helped her with the daily chores and grocery shopping, but also kept her company and entertained her.

As time went by, though An Yeran knew she could not stay in this world for long, she developed deep feelings for Mrs. Wang.

When she got back to Mrs. Wang's house, the old woman was cooking in the kitchen.

An Yeran delivered the purchased soy sauce to the kitchen and conveniently cleaned the dishes on the side.

"Little Ran, you've worked hard." Mrs. Wang said with a smile, but it was tinged with a hint of melancholy.

Wiping her sweat, An Yeran replied, "I don't mind it at all! If anything, I feel like I'm troubling you."

After a while, Mrs. Wang added: "Little Ran, I received a call from your mother. She said she would send a driver to pick you up this afternoon."

An Yeran was stunned for a moment, recalling the sorrow on Mrs. Wang's face earlier and suddenly realized what was going on.

So it was because of this.

She put down her utensils, hugged Mrs. Wang from behind and said: "Grandma! I'll come back to visit you every week!"

Hearing this, the worry on Mrs. Wang's face vanished and she broke into a wide smile, "Good, my sweet child!"


Mother Jiang was a person of her words and around two in the afternoon, a black Lamborghini parked outside An Yeran's house.

A driver, one man and one woman got out of the car.

The woman was heavily made-up but sweet-looking, dressed simply yet elegantly, if one ignored the jewellery on her wrist and neck.

The man was good-looking too, tall and upright, poised and handsome, emanating a successful man's aura.

These two people must be An Yeran's mother and stepfather.

The man saw the eight-year-old girl standing at the door, compared her to a photo in his hand, and then approached her, asking, "Are you Little Yeran?"

An Yeran nodded, "Yes, hello Uncle!"

Seeing the child being so well-behaved, the man also couldn't help but give her a smile.

Jiang's mother also came forward and moved closer to An Yeran. Her glamorous eyes first showed a hint of disgust, then switched to an affectionate longing, saying, "Little Yeran, oh, how much I've missed you! How have you been living these past days, with your father?"

An Yeran was quite impressed.

The fleeting disgust on Jiang's mother's face just now was clearly caught by her, and now that she had switched to this kind of tone, it was a very real performance. If it were an ordinary eight-year-old child, she might have really been tricked.

She certainly had the makings of a most notable actress. Being an ordinary wealthy lady was indeed a waste of her talent.

There were some clothes and toys An Yeran had prepared at her side, things suitable for an eight-year-old child.

Jiang's mother took it from her hand, then contemptuously threw them aside, "Little Yeran, from now on, you'll be with Mum. Discard these things, whatever you want, tell your Mum, Mum will buy all new ones for you!"

Then she turned to look at the man, Lu De also nodded, "What Xiao Li said is correct, whatever Xiuxiu has, An Xue and Little Yeran will definitely also have. I will treat them as my own."

Having received a promise, Jiang's mother turned back satisfied, taking An Yeran's hand saying, "From now on, he's your father. When we reach his house, you must behave, understand, Little Yeran?"

An Yeran nodded, "Understood...Mum."

Actually, she really wanted to call her "Aunt", but due to the circumstances, she had to correspond to her position.

The three of them got in the car, and Lu De sat in the front passenger seat, probably thinking that An Yeran, who hadn't seen her mother in a long time, had a lot to talk about with her.

However, that was not what An Yeran was actually feeling!

Once she was in the car, she just wanted to sleep, but Jiang's mother insisted on striking up small talk with her, as though that demonstrated her being a good mother.

An Yeran's stomach was churning.

She felt like throwing up.

After a long drive and with the arrival of a new family member, Lu De decided to take his family to dine out.

The car stopped directly at the entrance of a luxury restaurant in A City. The driver got out to open the door and An Yeran couldn't wait to get out, if she remained in the car a second longer, she felt like she might vomit.

The driver went to park the car, and Lu De took An Yeran's hand, leading her into the restaurant.

Jiang's mother took Lu De's other hand, the three of them looking like a happy family of three.

Yet both Jiang's mother and An Yeran knew this was just a show.

"Uncle's house still has a son, half a month younger than you. Do you like having a little brother, Little Yeran?"

An Yeran said, "I like it," but in her mind she swore.

She hated children the most!

Previously, when her martial arts hall had a recruitment, they got so many six-to-seven-year-old children, she got pestered by those kids for an afternoon and she almost lost her nerves.

The three of them were guided by a waiter into a luxurious private room, already occupied by two children.

The girl's face was sweet and lovely with a fair skin. The features of her brow and eyes were very similar to Jiang's mother, she must be the previous host's sister Jiang Anxue. And the little boy sitting opposite her—

An Yeran looked at him.

He was also staring straight at An Yeran.

The boy had a head full of brown hair, with handsome features, a pretty boy at such a young age. His lips were red, his teeth were white, and his skin was as fair as milk. She wondered how it would feel to touch it.

The boy's eyes were like a pair of obsidian gems, black and shining, almost like a deep well. Their luster was so powerful, it was easy to get lost in them.

An Yeran only took couple of glances then took her eyes off him.

Lu De said, "An Xue, Xiuxiu, this is Yeran, she will be our new family member from now on."

Jiang Anxue and An Yeran were of the same age. In the past, she didn't like this younger sister, who dressed like her father - both looked ugly and rustic. She definitely took after her father. Even though she had a neat appearance, she was sorely off-putting!

But, with her new father around and per mother's instructions to behave gently and magnanimously, she held back her disgust, gave a smile to An Yeran and said, "Little sister, haven't seen you for a long time, Do you still remember your sister?"