[008] Go eat together_1

When the last class ended, the children automatically disbursed, not needing the teacher to organize them.

Yu Chao disappeared without a trace, perhaps because he felt like he had lost face earlier. He wasn't seen until lunch.

The elementary school attached to Middle School No. 1 had a large cafeteria, spread over four floors.

"An, come to eat with us!" The boys who had played basketball with her respected her now, yet they were concerned. Yu Chao had puffed himself up in the school because his family was wealthy, so they were all genuinely worried that he might cause trouble for An Yeran in the future.

"Sure!" replied An Yeran. She hadn't been to the cafeteria before and didn't know where it was.

Just as she was about to take a few steps, her sleeve was pulled by a little hand.

When An Yeran turned her head, she saw her little Cinderella.

The boy's delicate little face bore some nervousness, and his coffee-colored eyes shimmered with a hint of anticipation, "Sis," he softly asked, "Can you have lunch with me?"

An Yeran was a little startled. The boy was just too cute, especially when he was biting his little lip.

The boys in Class Three all knew that An Yeran was Lu Xiu's half-sister. They had heard a bit about the Lu family's situation.

In fact, most of the boys in school didn't like Lu Xiu. Although he had good grades and looked handsome, he was delicate, feminine, and this rubbed the boys the wrong way. But the girls liked him. This imbalance made the boys dislike Lu Xiu even more.

An Yeran remembered from the book that Lu Xiu always ate alone in school because no one wanted to eat with him. When Jiang Anxue came to his school, she thought her elder sister would be willing to join him. But An Xue deeply despised this brother, leaving Lu Xiu to eat alone and further exacerbating his withdrawn and twisted character.

"Okay." After some thought, An Yeran decided to accept.

This child had always been good to her; he brought her milk before bedtime and even brought her bread.

Perhaps he was yearning for familial affection, craving love, and that's why he tried to please his second sister.

But Lu Xiu didn't like the girls at school.

This was something An Yeran couldn't understand.

After class, the two of them headed to the cafeteria together. Lu Xiu dutifully led the way; as they approached the entrance, they bumped into Jiang Anxue, who was with her classmates.

Jiang Anxue was tall for her age, pure and beautiful, and was widely recognized as the school beauty.

Jiang Anxue always had to pretend to be good in front of Father Lu, and she didn't want to greet An Yeran, but she was afraid this sister would tell their father.

In school, she had never acknowledged Lu Xiu. At first, she spoke to him for fear that he would complain about her at home, but later she realized that he wouldn't say anything about school at home, so she behaved as she liked in school.

"Little sis, you're going to lunch," Jiang Anxue said with a smile.

An Yeran smiled back: "Yes, do you want to join us, sis?"

Jiang Anxue looked uneasy. "Sorry, I'm with my friends. You're with Lu Xiu?"

"Yes, I am," replied An Yeran.

Her resentment was written all over her face. "You guys enjoy your meal then. I will go inside with my friends."


After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Anxue ignored An Yeran and walked straight in with her friends.

Lu Xiu tugged at An Yeran`s sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Big sis, can we not talk to big sister An Xue next time?"

An Yeran asked, "Why?"

Lu Xiu's voice was weak, but An Yeran could still hear him clearly, "I don't like her."

An Yeran understood what he meant and said, "Okay. But in front of Dad, we must keep up appearances, understand?"

Lu Xiu nodded, "I understand."

"I know all these. Dad wants a complete family. Even though I don't like Auntie Jiang, I still have to accept them."

After saying this, he seemed to remember that An Yeran was also Jiang's daughter and began to feel nervous, "I'm... I'm sorry, big sis. I didn't mean anything bad about Auntie!"

An Yeran ruffled his hair, "It's okay. I don't blame you. I also lived with Dad since I was little and hardly remember anything about Mom. So, it's no big deal."