【060】Women's Group Begins_1

Yu Chao actually has a psychological scar.

That scar haunts him throughout his entire primary school years.

Books, reeking of bathroom smells, were forcibly stuffed into his mouth, and he could do nothing in retaliation.

Ever since then, he insisted that the janitor must use air freshener to eliminate any stench before he could use the restroom.

Those who witnessed the incident found it amusing, yet, out of fear, none dared to reveal their amusement in front of Yu Chao or bring it up in conversation.

They unanimously decided to forget it ever happened.

If they didn't, given Yu Chao's resentful nature, they wouldn't have peaceful days at school.

After entering junior high school, many classmates were assigned to different classes. Yu Chao didn't show any change, except becoming even more rebellious than before.

He enjoyed being the unique entity that no one in school, including the teachers, could control. After all, his family donated a whole building to the school.