[081] Give some sugar_1

The cops arrived pretty quickly. Recognizing Wang Sheng, they wasted no time cuffing him. They had arrested him before and had him locked up for over ten days, but someone managed to get him out. They couldn't believe he was already up to no good again.

Yet they noted a difference - last time he had put up a fierce resistance, why this time did he seem so compliant, almost hasty?

The sound of police sirens filled the air and the birthday party came to an abrupt, farcical end.

Jiang Li was still trying to talk to Mr. Yu, her expression urgent, but he was completely ignoring her. He had grabbed Yu Chao by the collar intending to leave, but their driver was nowhere to be found.

It wasn't until the police were escorting Wang Sheng out that Father Yu realized this was his son's driver being arrested?!

His eyebrows furrowed in anger and he shouted, "What the hell is going on?!"