[079] It's a bit different_1

At the back door of the villa, suddenly came a girl's scream and the sound of a glass vase shattering!

Inside the hall, the music abruptly stopped.

The crowd frowned slightly, looking towards the corridor.

The conversation between Jiang Li and Mr. Yu was interrupted. Her expression was somewhat gloomy, but she quickly returned to normal, striding in her high heels towards the corridor.

Seeing this, the guests also followed.

"Xuexue, what's wrong?"

She opened the door between the corridor and the hall, and as soon as she walked in, she saw Jiang Anxue lying on the ground. Her clothes were soaked by the water from the vase, many shards embedded in her leg, seeping traces of blood.

The other girls were scared back, slightly trembling.

"Xuexue?!" Jiang Li exclaimed, quickly running over to help her daughter up.

Jiang Anxue looked terrified, her almond eyes wide open, trembling all over.

"What happened to you?!"