[117] It's good once you see it_1

The smile at the corner of the young man's mouth was exceptionally gentle, as he held a box of chocolate sticks, naturally taking a seat next to the girl.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked softly.

An Yeran was still taken aback, coming to her senses only when the youth had taken a seat!

Though she would have liked to retort 'well you're already sitting anyway,' she thought better of it, considering this was a person she was meeting for the first time.

"You..." she began softly, "Hello."

The young man replied, "Hello."

They were seated rather close; An Yeran felt a weird sensation and unconsciously moved a little to the side.

What is it like to encounter in real life someone who bears an uncanny resemblance to a character from a novel?

It might be akin to your virtual man crush popping out of your phone screen one day.

The young man, of course, noticed her tiny movement. A hint of melancholy passed through his deep black eyes, but it quickly disappeared.