【013】He is Small Fish 13_2


To fill a barrel that has staves of differing lengths, without being allowed to fix the shorter staves.

That's simple, just destroy the longer staves, reducing them to the length of the shortest one, and the barrel can be filled with water.

After all, no one said you couldn't ruin the longer staves.


Before stepping onto the ship, An Yeran said to the boy, "Xiu, let's swap rooms. You sleep in mine and I'll sleep in yours."

She suffered from seasickness, and the fragrance in Xiu's room could help her temporarily alleviate dizziness and nausea.

The boy did not hesitate and directly said, "Alright."

The wooden ship finally started moving after the sun rose above the horizon.

Having nothing to do, An Yeran opened a box Ani had given her. She intended to count how many scallops it contained, but upon opening it, she suddenly noticed a bag. It was quite familiar and turned out to be the money bag she had left on Ani's stool the day before.

No way…

She pulled a wry smile.