Chapter 01 Lost in Words, Frozen in Expression_1


In a crowd, I sneak peeks of your smiling face, and for a moment, it feels like a return to the past. Will there come a day when we will once again meet by chance, fall in love at first sight, and then fall for each other?

——Zhang Ailing

When Nanxi received the call from her cousin Liang Qiaoqiao, she was desperately trying to finish her drafts at the dormitory.

Nanxi had been so busy with her graduation thesis recently that she hadn't updated her novel for three days. Readers were in an uproar in the book review section. Her editor, Bai Ri, threatened her with nine continuous phone call bombardments, saying that if she didn't produce an update today, she would immediately buy a plane ticket to squeeze her out, under the pretense of "paying back in flesh for the debt of the manuscript".

Not only that, Bai Ri intended to reimburse the airfare from Nanxi's manuscript payment...

Nanxi had no choice but to hunker down and write. It wasn't that she was afraid of Bai Ri's threats, rather, she felt a twinge of guilt and appreciation when seeing so many eager readers urging her to update. So, she temporarily put her thesis aside and focused on her novel manuscript....

Unexpectedly, Liang Qiaoqiao called her over before she had even written a thousand words. On the phone, Liang Qiaoqiao said, "Nanxi, I'm not doing well, help me~"


When Nanxi left the dormitory, she bumped into Yang Su who was about to enter. As soon as Yang Su regained her balance, she heard a voice saying "Dearest, I'm sorry..." followed by the whoosh of the wind as Nanxi's figure rushed away!

Blinking her eyes, Yang Su looked at Lan Qiqi, who was lying on the bed researching her thesis with her laptop, "Where is Nanxi going?"

"To a blind date!"

Before Lan Qiqi could answer, Han Baobao, who was applying eyebrow pencil with a small mirror in the bed below, threw in a sentence!


In early April, the weather in H City was warming up. The sunshine was bright, the greenery in the campus was lush, and flowers bloomed brightly. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

However, Nanxi had no interest in enjoying these at the moment. After leaving the school gate, she, who has always been thrifty, gritted her teeth and hailed a taxi, rushing to the place Liang Qiaoqiao had mentioned.

Twenty minutes later, Nanxi arrived at her destination: Orchid Cafe, a famous café in H City known for its elegant decor and top-tier taste.

Nanxi took a deep breath at the entrance, slightly calming her chaotic breathing before pushing open the heavy glass doors.

The elegant sound of a piano drifted into her ears. A tall, graceful-looking woman waiter, who was properly dressed and well-trained, walked towards Nanxi. She was also very beautiful...

"Excuse me miss, how many?"

Holding her shoulder bag, Nanxi gave a polite smile to the waiter, "I'm sorry, I'm looking for someone..."


After scanning the café for nearly two minutes, Nanxi finally spotted a man sitting by a nearby window. Maybe it was him...

But he was sitting with his back to her, and Nanxi couldn't see his face clearly...

Nanxi let out a breath, gathered her courage and walked over to tap the man's shoulders. "Hello, may I ask...?"

The man turned his face towards her, and Nanxi was stunned. For a moment, she lost her words, her expression frozen.

How should she describe this man? As a Chinese Language Major about to graduate and having absorbed much of the finest Chinese language, as an online author who has described countless 'extraordinary' male protagonists, Nanxi found herself unable to find a suitable vocabulary to define him…

After a moment of blanking out, Nanxi saw the man's eyes half-closed as if gauging her. He then cleared his throat, and with an upward questioning tone, asked, "Can I help you?"

Even his voice was so magnetic!

Nanxi took a breath, quickly gathered her wits, and pulled up a smile that she considered sweet, "Hello, are you Mr.Lu?"


PS: This story is the love story of "the world's most stunning" Mr. Lu, a fleeting character at the end of the old story "Battle of Love in the Wealthy Family: Greedy for Marriage". This is a feel-good story set in high society. Please feel free to bookmark it. Xiaowu's reader group: 257059396, we look forward to your joining.

The main part of this story has been completed and an additional part is being serialized. The new book "Love Battle in the Famous Family: The Chief's Mysterious New Favorite" has been published! Please add it to your bookshelf, thank you~