Chapter 10: Li Zhongnan!

In front of Nangang Middle School.

Li Zhongnan and his group were stopped by the security guards. This was a key national middle school, and thus, they didn't permit any junk collection on the premises. At the moment, a few hundred meters from the entrance, there were a few temporary stalls recycling books.

Seeing this situation, they had no choice but to give up on the idea of buying scrap inside the school.

Li Zhongnan drove his vehicle under the shade of a large tree not too far from the entrance. He borrowed a scale using a pack of cigarettes and started calling out, "Scrap collection! Buying books at high prices! Textbooks 60 cents per kilogram, exam papers 50 cents per kilogram..."

Anyway, they didn't have anything else to do, and doing it himself would save some money.

Upon hearing him calling, students gathered around the nearby stalls and looked over at him. Quite a few of them shouted, "Others offer sixty cents a kilogram, and you only offer fifty-five cents, I'm not going to sell to you now."

Although it only meant a difference of five cent per kilogram, middle school students didn't have any personal income so they used to count every cent they had for food or ice-cream purchase, and obviously they would prefer a higher price for their books now. One by one, they all carried their books and headed over to Li Zhongnan.

For a moment, the other stalls were left deserted.

Li Datou was waving a few hundred-dollar bills and shouting, "Don't rush, everyone. Come one by one, buy as much as you can! we have plenty of cash!

"Leave, all of you! Get out of here!" a furious shout came, and a group of students were pushed aside.

A few burly men crowded over. They were the stall owners who had their business stolen.

One who was leading the group was half-naked; his body was covered in disorganized dragon, snake, tiger, and leopard tattoos, with a ferocious look, which seemed somehow intimidating. He stepped up to Li Zhongnan and shouted, "Do you know the rules, kid?"

Li Zhongnan gave him a faint smile, calmly saying, "What rules? It's just business, with fair competition, the one who offers more wins. I offer sixty cents per kilogram, and you can certainly offer seventy cents."

Hearing this, another man started to yell threateningly, "You Northrealmer have crossed the line! Get back to your rural area quickly, or I'll break your limbs!"

As he spoke, he pushed Li Zhongnan.

"Who are you cursing!"

Li Datou was instantly enraged, swung his fist, and started a fight.

Li Zhongnan pulled him back, coldly asking the other party, "What do you want? Draw the line!" He didn't want to cause a conflict but certainly would not be scared away by a mere threat.

"Beat you up!"

The half-naked man leading the horde punched towards Li Zhongnan.

His opponent started to fight without any warning. Caught off guard, Li Zhongnan got solidly punched in the chin. The punch was strong; his head spun and he felt the taste of blood oozing from a corner of his mouth.

"Damn it!"

Overcome with rage, Li Zhongnan lost his cool. He kicked back, hitting the man's stomach.

"Damn it, he dares to fight back! beat him to death for me!" the half-naked man shouted out loud.

The scene descended into chaos. Three or four men rushed over and started beating Li Zhongnan relentlessly. As they say, two fists find it hard to beat four hands. In no time, Li Zhongnan got badly beaten up.

"Uncle Li is getting beaten up! Let's grab some weapons."

Li Datou shouted.

Then he quickly went to the vehicle to grab a steel pipe and swept it towards the half-naked man knocking him down straightaway. The other youths also pulled out their weapons without delay and charged towards the enemy. They started a melee with their steel pipes and iron rods.

"Do anything to the ones who dare to beat Uncle Li"!

A group of teenagers, each one bursting with adrenaline, became fierce and ruthless. Their blows were quick and ruthless, with their all energy exerted.

Upon seeing this scene, the other group of local men got so scared that they ditched the scene. Nevertheless, these mature men couldn't outrun these young kids. They were quickly chased down and knocked to the ground.

Li Zhongnan managed to get up from the ground, touched the fresh blood at the corner of his mouth, feeling a bit faint with a numbing pain all over. At that moment, his anger was burning like a volcano, and he couldn't control it anymore. He was doing business here perfectly legally, and he had talked politely with them but ended up getting beaten up for no reason. If it was not for Li Datou and his gang who brought weapons, nobody knew what worse situation they might have ended up being in.

He seized an iron rod and started mercilessly beating the half-naked man on the ground.

Forget it, just beat him first.

After venting his anger, with the iron rod in hand, Li Zhongnan standing imposingly shouted at the rest of the youth, "Go all out on them, put the blame on Uncle Li if anyone gets killed".

"Wicked, yo"!

A group of kids, each armed with a weapon, circled those half-naked men on the ground, beating them up one after another.

These kids played way out of line, each one harsher than the other. They used all their might landing punches. In less than a minute, a few robust men were beaten black and blue, blood oozing from their face.

"Fighting, there's a fight going on!"

The students started screaming in fear and masses quickly gathered around. However, none of them dared to get close; even the school's security guards kept their distance. After witnessing this scene, who would risk their life?

"Stop it!"

Suddenly, an imperious voice rang out.

A familiar one indeed, following the voice, a woman in her late twenty made her way through the crowd...

She was still as ravishing and graceful as ever.

Nothing has changed, the overwhelming sensation remained the same. From a distance, Li Zhongnan looked at Yao Danhong and his heart started to race inexplicably.

He eagerly wanted to get closer...

A bitter smile emerged on Li Zhongnan's face. How could it be such a coincidence?

Li Datou did not recognize Yao Danhong. He very rudely pushed her, "Who the hell are you? Get lost if you don't want to get hit!"


Li Zhongnan instantly shouted out and rushed to stop him. This nephew of his, Bighead, never showed mercy regardless of gender. If he hit the gorgeous teacher, then it wouldn't be funny anymore.

However, there was someone faster than him.

As Bighead charged towards her, a handsome tall youth suddenly sprang out and stood in front of Yao Danhong. This white-faced man with an arrogant face pointed his finger towards Bighead and pompously threatened, "Just try laying a finger on her; I'll beat the heck out of you!".

"I will thrash the hell out of you!"

After being pointed at his face and cursed at, Bighead was filled with rage. He lifted his steel pipe and fiercely smashed it towards his opponent. The sound of his swing whistled in the air, demonstrating his full strength.

Li Zhongnan didn't stop him.

The man who suddenly appeared was clearly trying to play the hero saving the beauty. More than likely, he was another admirer of the beautiful class teacher. Damn it, he could care less who he was; it was time for a good beating first.

"You dare!"

The handsome youth gasped with fear, and none of his earlier dominance was left. He hastily dodged and then kept rolling away as far as he could.

This was not a joke; if the steel pole smashed his head, his skull would definitely crack open. Believing in his noble identity, he assumed that just by speaking out or even by giving a glimpse, he could easily intimidate his opponent, and a kid would certainly not dare to retaliate against him. However, he had no idea about Bighead's fearless nature. Bighead would smash the one cursing at him, regardless of their identity, without any hesitation. It was as simple as that.

The incident scared the daylights out of the white-faced handsome youth.

Watching him rolling all over on the ground while looking distressed and covered in dust, Li Zhongnan chuckled. It seemed that he was overly anxious. With this guy around, it would be weird if the beautiful class teacher ever took a liking to him.

As Yao Danhong was watching, she suddenly shouted, "Li Zhongnan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"