Chapter 12: Wife Returns Home

He had taken the Genetic Potion.

Li Zhongnan felt like a totally different man. Days of fatigue disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving him feeling extraordinarily energetic.

He felt light and his thoughts were clear. His hearing and sight were incredibly sharp.

In the darkness, a small bug crawling several meters away was clearly visible to him. This was simply amazing. A night bird fluttered by him, and without thinking, he leaped up and caught it with his bare hand.


Li Zhongnan was startled. The jump he just made was at least two meters high, wasn't it? And that speed, that agility, were simply superb. Damn, if he were to wear his underwear outside his pants now, he would definitely look like a superhero.

He let the bird go and went to stand beneath a big tree.

He took a deep breath and threw a punch. The sound of the wind whistled, and his punch was full of force. With a loud thump, it slammed into the trunk of the tree.

Following a thunderous crash, the entire tree began to sway, its leaves sprinkling onto the ground. With a creaking sound, the tree started falling.


He was dumbfounded.

Though he was prepared, Li Zhongnan was still shocked, his mouth agape. Knocking down a tree with one punch was beyond belief. Could anyone in this world do that?

He had never seen that happen!

Next time, if anyone dared to mess with him, they would be in for a good beating.

A genetic potion, such a wonderful thing, he wondered—

Thinking of something, Li Zhongnan quickly pulled down his pants to take a look.


Perhaps it was a psychological effect, but he felt incredibly powerful. An unusual feeling that there was nothing he couldn't conquer, that he was invincible and could overcome all challenges. Even piercing the sky seemed possible!

He had a budding career, his body was in peak condition. Now all he needed was a girlfriend. As he thought of this, his mind was filled with images of the beautiful head teacher, remembering all the good times they'd had together in the past three years.

He wasn't ready to let go!

Just as he was leaving the woods, he heard shouts coming from the National Highway. Upon approaching, he found several cars parked in the middle of the road. Among them was an Audi A6 surrounded by a few other cars.

Five or six burly men in black clothes were shouting at the people inside the Audi. After shouting for some time with no response, one of the men broke the car window, opened the door, and dragged a woman out.

On seeing the woman, Li Zhongnan recognized her as his VIP client, Madame Zhao.

At that moment, she was dressed in a suit and appeared calm. However, a hint of panic could be seen in her eyes. It was quite exceptional for a woman to face a group of hostile men at night without screaming out in fear.

The man leading the group smiled slightly at her and said: "Director Zhao, our boss would like to see you. Please accompany us." He then bent forward politely, inviting her into the car.

Zhao Yi remained unmoved and calmly answered: "I don't know your boss, nor do I want to. Please leave. To be honest, I have already called the police..."

"Really now?"

Upon hearing Zhao Yi's words, the man retorted with a sarcastic smile.

He took out his phone and made a call, switching on the speaker mode and asking: "Please advise, is it windy or rainy over there?"

"Understood. The weather is quiet now. However, a pedestrian bridge has collapsed and blocked National Highway 270. The road is blocked and the police are clearing the way."

The color drained from Zhao Yi's face, and her calm demeanor vanished.

Given the preparedness of those people, things did not bode well for her. She gritted her teeth and said reluctantly: "Okay, I'll go with you."

The men in black relaxed slightly at her words and shared a smirk.

Suddenly, Zhao Yi tensed and kicked out. Her kick landed accurately within the leader's crotch. With a grimacing scream, she made a dash for the woods.

"Dammit, catch her!"

The man who was kicked shouted angrily, and the others quickly gave chase.

Less than a minute later, Zhao Yi was captured. The leader grabbed her hair, slapped her, and spat out a threat: "Bitch, if you run again, believe me, I'll rape you then kill you!"

One of the men stared at Zhao Yi's body, swallowing hard: "Boss, this woman is beautiful. How about we let the brothers...?"

The leader looked at the elegant woman and smirked wickedly: "Sounds good, bring her back. We'll all have a little fun, make a video or something, then hand her over to the boss."

"Ha ha..."

The men cackled vilely and lewdly.

Hearing this, Zhao Yi turned deathly pale and her body began to shake uncontrollably.

In the darkness, she seemed so helpless. She, a weak young woman, was no match for a group of men. She felt like a fly caught in a web, struggling for breath. The thoughts of what was about to happen filled her with increasing waves of terror...

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out: "Exciting! This is really exciting!"

While clapping, Li Zhongnan stepped out of the woods.

Having just taken the Genetic Potion, he couldn't believe he had run into this sort of situation. It was perfect! He could test out his new strength on these goons. He hadn't jumped in right away partly because he wanted to understand the situation better, and partly, well, saving someone in trouble makes a stronger impression than simply making things better.

Who knows, the beauty might be so grateful she'd give herself to him.

Three men in black clothes quickly surrounded Li Zhongnan. Seeing his fearless demeanor, they were cautious, watching him warily. The man leading them frowned slightly and said lightly: "Bro, how about you pretend you didn't see anything?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a handful of hundred-yuan bills and handed them to Li Zhongnan. He could tell that this young man was not scared in the least. It was clear that he either had a backup or he was crazy. And it seemed the former was more likely.

"Sure, everything is negotiable with money."

With a carefree smile, Li Zhongnan took the money without hesitation and stuffed it into his pocket.

Only a fool would refuse money.

Seeing Li Zhongnan's appearance, Zhao Yi felt a glimmer of hope, even though she knew that he, alone and unarmed, might not have been able to defeat the black-clad thugs. Yet, she clung to that shred of optimism because she felt utterly helpless and terrified—

But the moment he took the money, her hope turned into despair once again.

Yeah, she had been far too naive. Nowadays, when faced with a choice between justice and money, money always won. Besides, she had only met him once; he was in no way obligated to save her. Moreover, he was alone, unarmed, and definitely stood no chance against all of them.

Seeing that Li Zhongnan was still standing there, one of the thugs yelled, "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm leaving!"

Li Zhongnan replied with a jovial laugh.

Then, with a confident stride, he pushed past one of the thugs and walked straight towards Zhao Yi. He took her hand, gazed at her affectionately, and said: "Wife, let's go home!"


Hearing this, several of the thugs were momentarily stunned.

Upon regaining their composure, their faces darkened.