Chapter 15: Our Secret

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man stared at Li Zhongnan for a while before speaking.

His voice wasn't loud, it was even quite gentle, but Li Zhongnan felt intimating, as if the air was filled with a murderous vibe.

In the end, he was feeling guilty.

At this moment, Zhao Yi spoke out: "This young man, just a hitchhiker."


The middle-aged man look suspiciously at Zhao Yi, then smiled gently, patted Li Zhongnan on the shoulder and said, "Young man, we've met before, in Tianning Temple Antique Store. Well done, you are pretty good."

He then asked how much was the fare and took out one hundred yuan to pay him.

Li Zhongnan didn't dare to accept it, he quickly declined and hurriedly left, not daring to stay a moment longer.

After all, he, a scavenger, was praised by such a prominent figure. He probably saw through something and if he didn't run now, his life would be in danger.

Zhao Yi grumbled, "Mayor Zhao, you scared him off!"

However, seeing Li Zhongnan running away in a panic made her feel relieved. Even though she couldn't stay awake in the latter part of the night, she could vaguely sense some of the things this cunning boy did.

After he left, he returned the motorcycle and took the coach back to County Town.

Once he got back to his shop, he took a shower and then immediately went to bed.

He hadn't slept all night, he was very exhausted. When he woke up, his trousers were... well, he had a wet dream.

He sat on the bed, slowly recalling his dream.

But no matter how he tried, he couldn't remember who the female lead was. The dream was messy and fragmented, there were too many women appearing, his ex-girlfriend, Yao Danhong, Zhao Yi... even Han, the class captain?

He was starving, too lazy to cook, he directly went to have a meal at a restaurant near Zhong High School.

When he got back to the shop, it was late and he closed the shop for the day.

Then, he went to the warehouse to sort and categorize his items.

After an hour of organizing and categorizing, he started doing data calculation.

There were a total of 1,288 phones, most of them were of branded, and 65 computers. Of theiphone, the6S model counts up to 56 units.

The rest were predominantly Xiaomi, Huawei, and Meizu.

He searched for their current market price online and made a rough calculation. If he sells the items at their original price, he could make around two to three million. Even if he sells them at a discount of 50-60%, he would still make over a million.

Over a million!

Li Zhongnan was excited and quickly commanded his system, "Repair, repair them all for me!"

"Ding: Repairing 1,288 phones and 56 computers will require 680.5 gold coins. Do you wish to proceed immediately?"


"Ding: Repair function initiated... Repair in progress... Repair completed... a total of 680.5 gold coins spent, 1380 gold coins remaining in the system."

A third of the 2,000 gold coins were gone just like that.

Li Zhongnan cringed a little, reducing his excitement.

The gold coins were his foundation to grow and develop, but it was also a limitation. It seems that his plans must be sped up and a large recycling station needed to be established immediately. Without talking about other market, at a minimum, he needs to monopolize the entire Northrealm recycling industry.

Of course, first, he must make money. Without the startup capital, all plans would be for naught.

Previously, he was left with some custom-made phone cases and chargers. Once he paired these up with the phones, the phones instantly appeared as brand new. Other than the packaging and accessories, there was no difference at all.

The next day, he woke up early to run his business.

However, the bustling scene he imagined didn't happen. Despite closing his shop for a week, the flow of customers even decreased somewhat. In a day, he only sold twenty or thirty phones and maybe three or four computers. Although his recycling business improved slightly.

Over the next few days, the situation improved a bit with a steadily increasing flow of customers.

But, at the busiest day, he only sold about forty phones. After the week, he now had over 1,500 more phones and around 100 computers. Combined with the phones he had fixed but didn't manage to sell, he now had over 2,000 phones.

As for cash, after deducting the recycling cost, he was left with around 60,000 yuan.

How can he increase his sales then?

No matter how hard he thought about it, Li Zhongnan couldn't come up with a solution. After all, his shop was just there and the number of people who visited him was limited. The nearby second-hand phone shops were already doing quite well if they can sell four to five phones a day.

With the development of his business, his shopfront was no longer sufficient. He must obtain a larger shopfront, at least renting a floor or two in a more upscale building.

Of course, by then, he might not choose to operate in the County Town anymore.

The population of Northrealm wasn't big, and most of the young people were working outside of the town. The remaining middle-aged and elderly people, even if they wanted to buy a phone or computer, they just wanted something sufficient for use. They didn't need branded gadgets.

How much could he earn by selling phones at two to three hundred yuan a piece? The population of the town determined the size of the market. The market would inevitably saturate. After all, a phone can be used for one to two years.

As for other industries, Li Zhongnan didn't plan to delve into them for now. In his vague plan, he first planned to grow in the electronics industry, then branch out to other areas. Afterall, you couldn't rush success just like it will take time to get fat, eating a meal should also be one bite at a time.

However, occasionally making some extra money was still possible.

Just like the last time when he earned 120,000 yuan from a jade pendant.

Thinking about this, he was reminded of the painting by Zhang Daqian. If he was to buy it, fix it and sell it, wouldn't that solve his financial issues?

After contemplating for a while, he rejected this idea.

Now, 500,000 yuan wasn't too much for him, if he brainstormed and spend some time, he could still gather this sum. Even if it costs 10,000 gold coins, it wouldn't be a big problem. But, he didn't have a channel to sell the painting.

He would wait a bit longer.

He now had enough stock of 100 iPhones 6S and 100 Meizu to deliver them to Zhao Yi. Thinking of the elegant lady, he started daydreaming of that fateful night~~~

There it was again.

Could it be something to do with the genetic potion?

Or was it that boys his age would just get excited thinking about girls? Even though he dated his ex-girlfriend for over a year, they didn't make it to the "last step".

The wife of the mayor?

It is probably unlikely. However, someone the mayor cared about this much must not be simple. Over the past week, he didn't dare to contact Zhao Yi.

But now, with 200 phones, worth 400,000 yuan!

Whether he lives or dies, Li Zhongnan opened WeChat, braced himself and sent her a message: "I'm here."

Unexpectedly, it didn't take more than a minute for Zhao Yi to reply: "I'm here."

Soon, she sent another message: "That night was an accident, please forget it."

That hit home. Without thinking, Li Zhongnan quickly replied: "I can't."

After a while, Zhao Yi said: "Don't tell anyone."

Li Zhongnan teased back: "So it is our secret?"

Zhao Yi replied back succinctly: "Hmm."