Chapter 109: Trivial Matters

At midnight, with a wave of his hand, he took away all the discarded items.

Next, except for what could be repaired, everything was sold to the system, earning more than ten thousand gold coins in total, bringing the total coins in the system up to around 130,000.

Upon evaluating the repairable items, none were of substantial value, with only about ten pages of damaged ancient books, roughly worth tens of thousands of RMB.

Perhaps he could venture into antiques and calligraphy in the future?

After all, in this industry, it's tough to trace the origin of goods, making it perfectly suited to his needs. Of course, this is just an idea. He has no knowledge of this industry, and even if he wants to dive in, he struggles to find a starting point.

The appearance of the system's merging function disrupted his plans, leaving him unsure of his next move. However, one thing was crystal clear -

He must have his own brand!