Chapter 128: Not For Sale?

Overwhelmed with joy upon hearing this, Li Zhongnan asked, "Approximately how much is there in total?"

"Around thirty pounds," Xiong Lina replied, then inquired, "Mr. Li, do you need this Crystal Jade?"

Telling the truth, Li Zhongnan said: "I indeed need it, and I hope you can sell it all to me. Name your price, I will try to meet your expectations."

Thirty pounds, how much is that?

Fifteen thousand grams!

One gram equals a hundred gold coins, if sold to the Recycling System, it could bring in one hundred and fifty million gold coins. At the very least, calculated at the rate of two hundred dollars a gold coin, that would be three hundred million yuan!

Of course, one hundred and fifty million gold coins is an enormous number; its value cannot be calculated simply like this. After all, if the recovery value of gold is considered, the cost would need to multiply more than tenfold.