Chapter 262: Return to Nangang_2

"Yes, Brother Zhongnan. It wasn't me who looked you up, it was Xiao Yan and Xiao Mi," Lee Yueqing hurriedly "explained". Then she asked, "Who do you like the most?"

Without thinking, Li Zhongnan said: "Of course, it's my little sister Yueqing."

He wasn't lying.

He had no emotional foundation with Fang Shurong at all. Even now, the feelings were scant, and liking her was out of the question.

As for Chen Xiaoting, it's the same story. It's just that the little girl was his first, and she pleased him more, so it's inevitable that he would favor her.

"I thought the same."

With her head held high and her mouth pouted, Lee Yueqing subconsciously said, "But, but, Danhong~~~"

She initially wanted to ask about Yao Danhong, but just thinking about the scar in her heart made the graceful swan grow dim, not daring to voice her question.

"You're different from her."