Chapter 341: Too Awesome, Isn't It?

Just browsing through, out of hundreds of millions of comments, the overwhelming majority were cursing Chen Zhiwen, calling him lawless and undisciplined, vociferously demanding the government to execute him or the like.

Among them, some "insiders" even revealed his "protection umbrella," a terrorist surnamed Li, in their comments.

It was extremely annoying!

Lighting a cigarette, puffing out smoke, he continued to peruse casually. Apart from a lengthy blog post that was jointly published and retweeted by over two hundred well-known celebrities, some lesser-known ones also had shared their "individual perspectives" on the matter after retweeting the long blog.

These small-time celebrities, with basically low levels of education, extremely straightforward and crude in their speech, their words were like a pile of shit, utterly nauseating to read.