Chapter 369: Gu Family and Dragon Family

He never forgot about this beautiful female lawyer, often reminiscing about her.

He thought she was just a passerby in his life, someone he would find it hard to encounter again in this lifetime. That memorable night at the Xichong Resort hotel was likely a dream.

His memory of her appearance has faded over time. The only things that left a strong impression on him were her terrifyingly long legs and her proud demeanor.

He had met many proud women before, and Lee Yueqing was one of them.

However, the pride of these two women was different. Lee Yueqing usually ignored people, as if they were air; not necessarily looking down on them. But the lawyer, she seemed to look down upon anyone who wasn't significantly outstanding, yet was still capable of having a conversation with them.

In other words, even if someone was ten thousand times better than her, Lee Yueqing would still treat them as if they were non-existent.