Chapter 378: Do You Have Any Opinion?

Bianca Nolan had walked a bit when she suddenly halted and turned to face him. She fixed him with a glare and asked coldly, "Li Zhongnan, what are you trying to do?"

Li Zhongnan gave a light-hearted chuckle, "I'm not trying to do anything."

Bianca Nolan inquired accusingly, "Then why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you. We just happen to be going the same way." Li Zhongnan shrugged with an unabashed, smug grin.

Bianca Nolan huffed helplessly, spun around and continued on her way.

As expected, that someone followed her again. When they reached the living area and entered a room, she abruptly shut the door.

However, that someone was quick, slipping in before she could shut the door.

"Li Zhongnan!"

Bianca Nolan glared at him furiously, gritting her teeth, "This isn't your room, is it?"

She stared at him even harder.

Fury made her shake.