Chapter 379: The Auction Begins

In the middle of the night, he woke up.

Without a second thought, he immediately pulled her legs toward him again.

How embarrassing, he had to reclaim this moment!

Upon waking in the early morning.

With her leg in his hand, Li Zhongnan casually asked, "Nolan, you didn't want to be with me before, why are you initiating it now?"

Instead of answering him, Nolan Bihan asked, "Li Zhongnan, if you don't want to marry me, why are you initiating it?"

The two of them laughed at each other.

The answer was in the repeated passion of last night.

It was so joyful!

"Too beautiful, so incredibly beautiful!" she commented.

"Nolan, will our child be a boy or a girl?"

Li Zhongnan asked with a mischievous smile.

"Does it matter?"

On hearing his question, Nolan Bihan's face turned cold, she retorted, "If it's a girl, do you plan on not wanting her, Li Zhongnan?"

"Girls are great, they are closer to their fathers."