Chapter 400: Following You

"Miao Xuan, how much do you know about the U.S. recycling industry or, more precisely, the circular economy? Especially the used car market, tell me about it?"

Li Zhongnan couldn't help but feel pleased, immediately getting straight to the point. Of course, with his current financial capacity, finding a partner stronger than her wouldn't be difficult.

But well, such a good opportunity should naturally be given to a friend. Additionally, with her, he wouldn't need to worry about many things.

Energy, after all, is limited.

Ou Miaoxuan looked at him warily and asked, "What are you doing? Are you planning to start collecting scrap?"

Li Zhongnan chuckled, "Yes, I am a scrap collector, don't I look like it?"

Ou Miaoxuan asked again, "There's a Zhongnan Paper Industry in China, is that yours?"

Li Zhongnan was taken aback, "You know?"