Chapter 418: Eruption!

New York, a suburb, a certain estate.

In a certain hall, two tall, handsome men in their thirties were sitting together.

Having drinks, conversing.

One of them excitedly stated, "Baynard, my brother, I'm so elated. Bianca Nalan has agreed to my proposal, I can hardly believe it, I feel like I'm dreaming. You must know that I have been pursuing her for years, but she always rejected me, wouldn't give me a chance. This is really, it's too unexpected, too exciting, thank God."

Baynard Huan replied, "No, you should be thanking a woman from Country Hua named Lan Ning."

"Oh, I know her, she's a TV hostess who is very keen to act in movies and become an international entertainment superstar."

Adam Warner laughed and exclaimed, "Indeed, I should thank her. Next month, we're starting production on "A Widow's Lost Paradise" with a one billion dollar investment, and we've been needing a leading lady. Shall we have her play it?"