Chapter 425: Psychological Trauma!

Bihan Nolan was taken aback by these words, asking, "Deliberately destroyed? Are you sure?"

The owner of the repair shop answered: "I am sure and confident. The phone, indeed, had been dropped, which only broke the screen. But the inside components like memory were tampered with and smashed with a brick after it was dismantled."

"Thank you!"

Bihan Nolan took out a few US dollar bills.

Seeing this, the owner of the repair shop quickly declined, saying, "Miss, I can't even repair it, I dare not take your money."

Bihan Nolan gave him a smile, saying, "Don't be polite. You might have done me a huge favor. If... Anyway, I'm really grateful to you."

After saying that, she put down the money, picked up her phone and walked out.

Deliberately destroyed? Who could it be?

The most likely suspect would be Ning Lan. But why would she do that?

There are two possibilities!