Chapter 436: Goddess Palace

"God bless, I'm still alive."

Fisher said with a pounding heart.

Like him, Adam, Baynard and others who had survived were all terrified. Looking at the heaps of rubble in front of them, they felt as if they were dreaming.

A whole eight-story building vanishing in an instant?

That's too terrifying!

Adam, covered in dust, trembled and yelled frantically: "Damn it, Fisher, didn't you say that your Blackwater Company's security was excellent? Didn't you confidently say that Li from Country Hua wouldn't even be able to bring a single firearm in here? Now, explain to me how this explosion happened? Such a massive impact would require, at least, hundreds of kilograms of explosives!"

"Adam, you can insult my integrity, but you can't insult my professionalism. I swear at the risk of my own life, the explosives were not brought in by him. Not even by any guest. This catastrophe... is God's wrath upon us."

Fear consumed Fisher.

"FK! Since when does God destroy his own home?"