Chapter 443: Female Strategist

For the next few days, I didn't have much going on. So, I stayed at home, waiting for news from Williams.

However, there was no sign of him at all.

One day, while my daughter's mother was at work, I got together with Guo Qilang and Ray Nolan. When I saw them, I immediately asked, "What's the deal with you two? Why is it so hard to find this guy?"

Ray got a bit startled and replied, "Mr. Li, it seems that he might know about your relationship with Mr. Guo and is frightened. He hasn't shown up or contacted any of his relatives or friends in the past few days."

Guo Qilang added, "Williams can't hide forever. As soon as he shows himself, I guarantee we can catch him."

Upon hearing this, I frowned and asked, "What if he keeps hiding, Mr. Guo?"

"Mr. Li, sorry. We've lost all leads. If he keeps hiding, avoiding exposure and contact with others, it's going to be really tough to find him. It would just be down to luck."

Guo Qilang apologized.