Chapter 446: When Your Psychologist

Li Zhongnan was slightly startled by her words and asked, "Why?"

She's not willing to help with even this small matter? This little princess is usually not so stingy!

Tierra promptly replied, "That's a disgusting thing to do, I would never do it!"

"How dare they ask me to pull some bullshit? I am the little princess of the Rockefeller! Absolutely outrageous and abhorrent!"

"Disgusting? Tierra, I'm simply asking you to arrange a meeting with her for me, how could that possibly be disgusting?"

Li Zhongnan was once again perplexed.

What on earth? To her, is everything disgusting?

"Zhongnan Li, you have a girlfriend, and Avril is married. You want me to arrange a meeting with her. Don't you think that's disgusting?" Tierra looked straight at him.

What a thick-skinned man, she thought. She wanted to see right through his heart. What was he thinking at this moment? His face showed no blush, and his heart made no beat. How did he manage that?