Chapter 463: Exposed

Time flies incredibly fast in the river of love with Avril; half a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, we bonded like glue, inseparable.

Indulging, enjoying, as if the whole world consisted of only her.

This beautiful woman said she wasn't a casual woman. But when she was, it was not the same.

Of course, he knew that Avril was not careless at all.

Or, she wasn't careless with everybody.

Considering the efforts he, a man named Li, had made to win her heart and the things he accomplished, who else apart from him, could do such things in this world?

Some of her concepts perhaps differ from those of some women in his home country.

She knew how to enjoy happiness and how to live life heartily. The crucial part was that he, Li, was extraordinary. Time in and out, he persistently forced her to reveal all her cards.

Take now, for instance. She brought him to a place called "the Palace of Bliss". There were hundreds of young, phenomenal girls in this place.