Chapter 507: Winning Techniques

Three billion dollars, all exchanged for chips at once?

As these words were uttered, every gambler in the casino - hundreds of them - drew in a sharp breath. They'd seen high-stakes gambling before, but this was on an entirely different level!

All of them felt chills running down their scalps. Their bloodstream seemed to be boiling.

This was absolutely thrilling!

Looking at Li Zhongnan, their gazes all took on a hint of admiration.

Seth Adelson, far from being indifferent, was taken aback. They say that Country Hua's tycoons are numerous, but today he had witnessed the truth of those words. Even his own father, the casino king of America, Shane Adelson, didn't have the guts to exchange chips worth three billion dollars all at once.

After his initial shock, he felt a surge of excitement and signaled to a waitress without a moment's thought. Overwhelmed, she immediately took out a card reader.