Chapter 522: Showcasing Skills

"Qin, I feel that..." a tickle sprang up within Li Zhongnan, stirring a desire.

Shikon Qin's message was clear in her story.

And the logic made sense too.

In his thirties like a wolf, forties like a tiger, a person gets lonely over time~~~

Calling him when scared in the depths of the night under the pretext of having a nightmare... is not wrong!

At the moment, his mouth felt dry and his tongue burned.

However, when he stole a glance at her, he found her tranquil, like she was telling an ordinary story. A wave of unease swept through him.

At noon when they met, this woman was cold to him.

How did the situation change so quickly? Was she hinting at something?

Was she testing him?

A woman's mind is as unfathomable as the sea, there was a possibility!

"Zhongnan, what do you think, am I wrong?"

Shikon Qin smiled faintly, staring at him with her seductive eyes.

She hoped that he would take the initiative. His hesitance brought her a certain pleasure.

How endearing!