Chapter 600: A Bit Impatient Now

"My identity is not something you're qualified to know!"

Before the flight captain could speak, the Western youth called Mayo gave Li Zhongnan a contemptuous hum. His demeanor was incredibly arrogant and disdainful. It was as if he was saying, how could someone low-class like you be qualified to know who I, Mayo, am?

Upon seeing this, the flight captain felt a tremor of nervousness before steeling his face and said to Li Zhongnan, "Young man, I'll ask you one last time, are you willing to leave this cabin?"

Li Zhongnan frowned upon hearing this, stating, "As I've said before, I don't feel like moving!" Finally adding, "I've already bought my ticket, you have no reason to ask me to leave."

The captain's face turned gloomy as he threatened, "If that's the case, I am sorry, but I must call the air marshal."