Chapter 636: Robbing is the Fastest Way to Get Money!

For the subsequent month, like the past few days, they competed with bands of vagrants over the city's mountains of garbage, aided by the young girl. The only difference was that, with their muscle, they had subjugated dozens of underlings, so they didn't have to search the piles themselves.

And, they had almost monopolised the region's landfills.

Their gains were substantial!

Out of the junk they found each day, after setting aside a portion to sell for money – enough to buy necessary food for dozens of vagabonds – the rest was sold to the system.

Over thirty days, the total amount of crystals they received surpassed ten. In terms of gold coins, that was tens of thousands.

This was several times more than doing it alone!

Yet, relative to the two thousand plus crystals, this sum seemed insignificant. Even if they monopolised all the garbage in the whole city, to restore the system's "Repair" function, they would still need several months.