Chapter 634: The Waste is Worthless

They've been here for about ten days now, but they're still in the process of adjusting.

Aside from the language barrier, there was another major issue: they had no symbols of identity, which made finding a decent job impossible.

Meanwhile, all the functions of the system were now paralyzed, offering them no help at all.

To survive and to restore the basic operation of the system.

The only thing they could do was scavenge!

These days, with Chen Xiaoting, they have traversed the entire city, wandering the streets, competing with many homeless people to "treasure hunt" in the rubbish bins.

However, the gains were slim. They only managed to exchange for a few loaves of bread a day, not even enough money to buy a bottle of water, let alone sell water to the system.

In the end, after observing for a while, they decided to stay at the dump, hoping for a bigger yield.

Sure enough, it was as expected.