Chapter 671: Playing Dumb (2)

After serving the dishes, Yang Huining also sat down.

She took a few bites. Saw that he hadn't moved at all, and he was stealing glances at her from time to time.

Seeing this, she pretended to chuckle lightly and cooed, "Er Niu, your sister invited you to eat, not to look at me."

"Oh!" Li Zhongnan replied in surprise.

Then, he quickly lowered his head, picked up his chopsticks, and began to eat, bite after bite.

He hadn't touched the dishes.

"Er Niu, come on, try this." Yang Huining saw this and smiled happily. Then she picked up some food with her chopsticks for him, "Taste my cooking, how is it?"

"This...This is unnecessary, Sister Hui Ning, I can pick my food." Li Zhongnan immediately retreated, looking somewhat surprised by the favor.

"What's wrong with it? You are now my brother, so what's wrong with me serving you food?"

Yang Huining pretended to be displeased and asked, "Er Niu, don't tell me, you've never considered me a sister in your heart?"