Chapter 704: Amazing

Under Lucy's lead, they arrived at a weapons storage room.

As soon as they stepped inside and took a look, waves of excitement washed over them. The entire storage room, roughly more than a hundred square meters, was filled with all kinds of weapons···

All of them were damaged!

A rough count showed, at the very least, a few hundred pieces. They hit the jackpot, they were going to hit it big now!

"Sister Lucy, can all the weapons and equipment here be sold?" Li Zhongnan took a deep breath, suppressing his wild joy, and quietly asked Lucy.

"Of course, as long as the price is right, even I can be sold." Lucy joked with a grin, and then pointed to a corner, "The low-end weapons and equipment are all there. Why don't you go pick some, brother?"

"Alright." Overjoyed, Li Zhongnan walked over and started rummaging through the pile.