Chapter 749: Deliberate Troublesomeness

Qin Yuhuan was taken aback by the remark and asked, "Recycling scrap?"

"Yes, recycling scrap."

Han Bing gave a mocking smile and said, "These past few days, it's been all the rage around several nearby planets. Everyone knows that there's a Furious Bull Corporation that's been buying up discarded cars and starships and the like at high prices on Hades."

Qin Yuhuan uttered an "oh" and then asked, "Can you make money from that?"

After thinking for a moment, Han Bing responded, "The cost of recycling a discarded Hovering Car is extremely low, and after converting it into a power vehicle, there's still a very large profit margin.

If we scale it up..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Qin Yuhuan quickly interjected, "Do you think that he, Li Er Niu, knows how to modify cars?" In recent days, she had thoroughly re-investigated this man surnamed Li.