Chapter 752: So Beautiful

Li Yanhong was just a former maid of Yuwen Siyao, but on Saturn, she was an unmatched existence. Even Yang Huining, the richest person in Nankang City, held a status several ranks lower than hers.

It showed just how esteemed the princess, Yuwen Siyao, truly was!

And now, she squatted on the ground, cradling his foul feet, rubbing and wiping them seriously and meticulously, over and over, without the slightest pretense.

It was quite enjoyable!

But more so, it was embarrassment, as well as... pity. Mm-hmm, this woman was indeed engrossed just now, her actions, expressions, smile...

All incredibly beautiful.

True, she didn't have the sexy charm of Yang Huining or Shikon Qin, nor the peerless beauty of Lee Yueqing, but still...

In any case, she just felt, very, very beautiful.

This kind of beauty was indescribable, ineffable, and like her temperament, very subtle. Yet, it had an inexplicable charm that deeply attracted him.