Chapter 814: Wait, what did you say?

Qin Yuhuan glanced back at him, did not utter a single word, and turned around again. What's the deal with this woman, she's trying to show Li Er Niu that she knows he's there but is plainly ignoring him?

Li Zhongnan felt a gloom settle over him, "Ms. Qin, is he really your fiancé?"

Qin Yuhuan acted as if she hadn't heard him, continuing to stand and gaze into the distance. Sensing her low spirits, Li Zhongnan didn't even think before blurting out, "Ms. Qin, boyfriends, fiancés, or whatever, I don't care. I just want to ask you, have you and that pretty boy ever...?"

"Ever...? Don't you know?" Qin Yuhuan suddenly spun around,

and roared, "Li Er Niu, didn't you probe 'N' number of times with your fingers, with your tongue?"

"With all the technology these days, who knows what's true or fake, right... ah... ah!" Li Zhongnan hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly let out a yelp of pain.

"Ease up, will you!"

His sole was aching!