Chapter 818: This...

Tian Han Hotel, on the highest floor, in a meeting room.

Zhao Gang glanced over the dealers and said, "We have reviewed the application materials of the enterprises you represent. Just now, you have also articulated your advantages and competitiveness.

In a moment, after discussion by the Zhuo Cheng management team, we will announce the list of dealers for our various brands over the next three years.

So please, remain calm!"

As soon as he said this, the several hundred people below all became tense. This matter pertained to the development of their companies for the next few years; they couldn't help feeling anxious.

However, this did not include Li Zhongnan. At the moment, his roguish eyes were wandering over the bodies of a few middle-aged noblewomen in front of him, pondering some profoundly noble pursuits with interest.

Sitting beside him, Qin Yuhan, seeing his relaxed demeanor, became suspicious and asked, "Li Er Niu, you don't seem nervous at all?"