Chapter 835

"Hmph." Ye Ziqi kicked Chen Shimei fiercely once more.

After exhaling, she turned to Li Zhongnan and managed to squeeze out a smile uglier than crying, "Er Niu, I... I have something private to tell you, can you come with me to the woods up ahead?"

Her words were phrased as a question.

But no sooner had she finished speaking, her hand shot out and she decisively pulled him toward her, propping him up as she walked towards a dense forest ahead.

Li Junjie watched, dumbfounded, and enviously said, "Who would have thought that a woman like Ye Ziqi could also have such a devoted side. Yuhuan, if you were half as good to me as she is to Li Er Niu,

that would be great!"

"Devoted? It's just about saving face!"

Chen Shimei snorted coldly and said, "In the heart of that female T-Rex, she probably wishes she could skin Li Er Niu alive, drink his blood, and pull out his tendons."