Chapter 016 Warm New Year's Eve_1

Lv Zhong tactfully withdrew his Spiritual Sense, allowing Jie Wei to feel somewhat relieved.

With that, Jie Wei started talking more. However, he was somewhat reluctant to meet Lv Zhong's penetrating gaze. Moreover, he dared not harbor any ill thoughts about Lv Lei in the future.

It could be said that Lv Zhong's display of power to Jie Wei was not just some verbal intimidation, but more of planting a seed of awe and authority in his subconscious. Of course, Jie Wei knew nothing about this.

In his mind, he merely thought of Lv Zhong as a sharp-tongued youngster, oblivious of what Lv Zhong had done to him.

Lv Zhong stopped meddling which left Lv Xiaojin, the little imp who couldn't stir the pot on her own, no choice but to sulk and sit quietly on the side, watching her favorite idol dramas...

Time quietly slipped away as everyone casually interacted!

After having breakfast at the Lv Family's house, Jie Wei stayed for another couple of hours before bidding farewell to Lv Tianlin and Liu Shuxian. According to him, he had to return home to spend his Spring Festival's eve with his father.

Lv Tianlin and Liu Shuxian admired Jie Wei's filial piety, so they did not insist him to stay for the dinner. Lv Lei was sent to see him off. As for Lv Zhong, he was rather pleased with Jie Wei. He found him to be a decent man with both talent and virtue, as well as a promising future as a doctor at the New Attached High School.

Of course, Lv Xiaojin was very displeased with Lv Zhong's lackluster performance earlier. She felt that he had let her down. And so, she picked another fight with Lv Zhong.

Lv Zhong and Lv Xiaojin's playful bickering was nothing but a normal scene for Liu Shuxian and Lv Tianlin. The couple was also quite satisfied with their first impression of Jie Wei. Whether Jie Wei could eventually become their son-in-law would depend on his future behavior. They, unlike Lv Zhong, couldn't judge a person's character and virtue upon the first encounter.

Next, Liu Shuxian and Lv Tianlin put the matter about Jie Wei aside and started to busy themselves in the kitchen in preparation for the New Year's Eve dinner.


"Bang…" The door opened, and Lv Lei returned home.

Upon seeing this, Lv Xiaojin instantly released Lv Zhong and, like a swift swallow, rushed to Lv Lei's side, chirping, "Older sister, what's so good about Jie Wei that such a top-tier beauty like you would choose him as a boyfriend? Tell me, what stage are you guys at now? Holding hands? Kissing, or even...sleep…" She finally realized she was being a bit too forward.

However, the little imp was still bold enough to gawk at Lv Lei with curiosity.

Lv Lei, with a blush on her face and a gentle gleam in her eyes, felt a little embarrassed by Lv Xiaojin's inquiry. She slapped Lv Xiaojin on the head, reprimanding, "You little stinker, you're so young yet you're asking such questions, aren't you embarrassed...."

"Bully, why are you always hitting my head? What do I do if I go dumb?" Lv Xiaojin complained to Lv Lei.

"Hmph, worst case, I'll just take care of you for the rest of your life." Lv Lei snorted and went to the sofa, sprawled out on it, and started laughing beautifully.

Looking at his older sister who was laying on the other side, Lv Zhong shook his head, bemused. He muttered to himself, "Women in love are really different - prone to infatuation indeed!"

Seeing Lv Zhong looking at her with a strange expression, Lv Lei snorted softly, complaining, "Little Zhong, you're so dishonest. This time you almost embarrassed Jie Wei. Hmph, you were intentionally trying to make me lose face, weren't you?"

Lv Zhong just shrugged at her, saying, "Really? I've always been truthful. On the other hand, older sister, it seems that all you can think about now is Jie Wei. This is forgetting your little brother for the sake of a guy. Now you're turning the tables on me? I despise you——"

Lv Lei's mouth gaped open. She knew that her little brother was usually a man of few words, a typical representative of "speaking only when necessary." Even more surprisingly, was this guy even capable of teasing her in a playful manner?

Lv Lei quickly sat up, rushed to Lv Zhong's side, hands quickly cupping Lv Zhong's cheeks, looking left and right, then suspiciously asked Lv Xiaojin, "Xiaosan'er, are you sure this is your brother?"

"Tsk, you haven't seen him for a month, and you've forgotten who he is? Indeed, 'lust' dazes the mind, you're done for!" Lv Xiaojin was still holding a grudge against Lv Lei for tapping her head earlier, seeing Lv Lei's exaggerated reaction, she couldn't help but retort with biting sarcasm.

"Oh gee, haven't seen you for a month and you've become so rebellious? Let me teach you a lesson—" Lv Lei also started to play around, turned around, in one swift move, she tackled Lv Xiaojin onto the sofa, starting to tickle her.

"Hehe...haha... stinky witch, I'll fight you..." Lv Xiaojin felt terribly bullied by Lv Lei, the landlord, she prepared to 'overthrow the landlord and divide the land', she started to fight back.

For a moment, the two beauties, one big and one small, started having crazy fun on the sofa.

Lv Zhong quietly watched this heartwarming scene, quietly retreated, he was scared to be the innocent bystander that got affected by these two crazy women.

Quietly entering the kitchen, Lv Zhong also started to help wrap the dumplings...

After the two rebellious girls in the living room played around for a while, they too joined the dumpling-making army.


New Year's Eve dinner, the whole family gathered together, while watching the Spring Festival Gala, cheerfully enjoying all sorts of delicious food.

Though the Spring Festival Gala became increasingly boring, and the Spring Festival lost the actual "year taste", but to be able to reunite with the family is a very joyful thing.

After having the New Year's Eve dinner, Little Three and Lv Tianlin spent a few hours playing poker. This could be considered a traditional entertainment program for small city and rural people.

When the clock struck midnight during the Spring Festival Gala, the whole family cheered, each making wishes for the coming year.

Lv Tianlin and Liu Shuxian started giving red envelopes to Little Three, and then the whole family began incessantly calling acquaintances to wish them a happy early new year (this is our tradition, wishing people a happy new year with calls after midnight).

Lv Zhong only made three calls, one to his grandmother back in his hometown, one to Lv Tianci, his uncle in his hometown. The third call was made to his best friend, Xiao Fei.

After finishing the calls, Lv Zhong, appearing relieved, returned to his room, and after locking his door, he strode into the inner space of the [Plague Pearl].

This was where his future battle partners resided, this was his starting point towards the road of strength.

Lv Zhong was filled with a light heart as he stood in this bleak, quiet space with his spirit, breath and soul all enhancing greatly within an instance.

The new year, is also a new starting point!

Starting from this year, Lv Zhong will devote himself to self-cultivation, devote himself to learning, in order to not waste his astonishing serendipity.

Sitting in this corner of the space, Lv Zhong calmed his heart, earnestly practising [Vast World Microcosmic Spirit Condensation]. The higher this cultivation technique is practised, Lv Zhong's soul energy will enhance quicker. Which will allow Lv Zhong to more quickly refine more Mother Insects, greatly enhancing his cultivation...

PS: This chapter is a transitional chapter, the story will soon become more exciting.