Chapter 028 Liu Wanqiong_1

Liu Wanqiong had just confirmed what Lv Zhong had said.

In her view, the fact that Zhao Xin confided in Lv Zhong about such an important matter demonstrated his trust in Lv Zhong. It appeared that they truly were good friends.

Although Liu Wanqiong had never heard Zhao Xin mention Lv Zhong before, by this time, she had come to trust Lv Zhong completely.

Upon hearing from Lv Zhong that Zhao Xin had secretly saved 100,000 yuan to buy her a surprise diamond ring, she burst into uncontrollable tears once she confirmed that it wasn't a lie, and her longing for Zhao Xin deepened.

Liu Wanqiong also found the cordyceps that Zhao Xin had planned to give his parents in his bookcase. Unable to suppress her longing for Zhao Xin, she wanted to learn more about him from his friend, Lv Zhong.

Hence, Liu Wanqiong immediately returned Lv Zhong's call.