Chapter 160 I Like_1

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After talking with Lv Zhong for a while, Dongfang Linglong finally understood that she wasn't dreaming, and she really believed that Lv Zhong is a cultivator.

Even though it still felt a bit incredible, Dongfang Linglong was genuinely happy for Lv Zhong.

A cultivator, in the eyes of the world, is like a god-like figure, far stronger than any ancient martial artist.

Legends say that cultivators can fly through the sky, move the earth, cut mountains with a single hand, pierce the sky with a sword, and annihilate enemies thousands of miles away. They could even make it rain, spit fire, control electricity...

They possess a variety of magical powers, secret techniques, and even the ability to stay eternally young and undying!

More importantly, if Lv Zhong is a cultivator, Dongfang Linglong would no longer need to worry about his safety.