Chapter 198: Lv Zhong Makes a Brilliant Appearance!_1

"Ah Mei..." Seeing that Zheng Hongmei was also brought in, Leng Feng couldn't help but exclaim. His heart grew heavier at this moment.

A family of three was somehow rounded up all at once!

"Feng, Mei Er, you guys aren't hurt, are you..." As soon as she entered the yard, Zheng Hongmei eagerly shouted out to Leng Feng and Leng Mei, her parents, then suddenly lunged backward.

Not expecting Zheng Hongmei to react this way, the young man holding her let his guard down and was knocked to the side. By this time, Zheng Hongmei was already sprinting towards Leng Feng and Leng Mei.

The ones who had caught Zheng Hongmei seemed to be from a different group. The one leading the group, a man with a goatee, became furious when he saw what happened. He bellowed, "Baka, woman, are you trying to get yourself killed—"

But before he could react, he had disappeared, only to reappear directly in front of Zheng Hongmei.