Chapter 211: Extraordinary Medical Skill! Great Shock! _1

"Don't believe me? Suit yourselves!" Lv Zhong's brows furrowed, and his gaze cooled.

Just now, although it was only a few minutes, he had consumed nearly 20% of his True Essence.

It should be noted that he is now a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Period. This 20% of True Essence is equivalent to all his energy when he was at the Innate Great Perfection stage.

Within these few minutes, Lv Zhong swiftly extracted the sternal sword protrusion from the little girl's heart and directly stimulated the Life Source Power within her heart wound which had been left in her body yesterday, allowing this powerful Life Source Power to start repairing her damaged heart.

Afterwards, he skillfully reassembled the little girl's sternum and ribs, and retained some True Essence to wrap around her sternum and ribs.

This was once the True Essence inside a cultivator's body, an extremely precious thing!