Chapter 269: Activate The Big Formation, The Cultivator Comes! _1

Seeing his family members being enchanted by the scenery inside the [Profound Yin Demon Sect], Lv Zhong smiled, then turned to everyone and said: "Dad, mom, uncle, aunt, feel free to explore and roam around. If you need anything, consult Xuan Jia and Xuan Yi. I have something to take care of, I'll leave for a while..."

Xuan Jia, Xuan Yi, and the others were originally several servants of the [Profound Yin Demon Sect]. There were five of them, three men, and two women. They were Xuan Jia, Xuan Bing, Xuan Yi, and Xuan Zhu.

A few months ago, after Lv Zhong had annihilated Ming Yue Po, Ming Guang, Ming Yuan, Ming Xue, and others, Lv Zhong didn't obliterated these few servants. However, Lv Zhong was careful and cautious as always, he altered their memories and let them stay in the [Profound Yin Demon Sect], doing things within their abilities.