Chapter 298 Five Blessings Stone! Lost Treasure Money!_1

Lv Zhong stretched out his hand to take this jade scroll tube, with a sweep of his spiritual sense, his heart was in wild shock.

The materials collected by the Shushan Sect were truly rich.

Now, Lv Zhong found out that these major sects are indeed major sects. Their foundations are incredibly abundant.

Lv Zhong's spiritual sense swept through and discovered that there were no less than thirty thousand types of various materials recorded in this jade scroll tube alone. And there were nearly three hundred types of top materials!

There are actual pictures available for each of these materials!

Which allows Lv Zhong to know the value of these things instantly.

Profound Yin Radiance Stones, Star-outer Blue Copper, Heavenly Blue Tears, Leisure Heart Wood, Heart Ore, Demon Spirit Eroding God Stones, Thousand Steel Nanzhu Wood, Aurora Red Sun Jade . . .

These top materials aroused Lv Zhong's great interest. He wished he could rob all these things directly.