Chapter 0343 - The Sea Demon Shocks the World (Part 1)_1

North Pacific!

Seven supercarriers appeared near the Hawaiian Islands.

Recently, a startling golden light had appeared in international waters a hundred nautical miles from the Hawaiian Islands.

After reconnaissance satellites from various countries captured these images, many high-level officials were alarmed.

This golden light column was substantial, reaching all the way to the sky.

It was far more intense and solid than the light from the Daoist array in China the last time.

Thus, China, the United States, Russia, England, Japan, Gaul, and Germany each sent a supercarrier to the international waters of Hawaii.

"Sir Fernando, is this golden light really the radiance of a divine artifact?" On the US's Lincoln aircraft carrier, the handsome, dashing blond Major General Bushkuton turned to look at the middle-aged man named Fernando, who was dressed in a black suit and exuding a powerful aura, asking the question.