Chapter 0350: Devouring Destiny! Destroying Yasukuni Shrine_1

"Trying to escape? No chance!"

The arrogant voice of a female rang out, the stunningly beautiful and mysterious woman also transformed into a stream of light and chased after them towards the northwest.

"Huh, they're all heading towards the airspace of Little Japan?" Yuzhenzi was slightly surprised, hastily saying to Qingque Fairy, "Qingque, you lead the team back to China, I'm going to make a quick trip to Little Japan..."

Without finishing her sentence, Yuzhenzi also rode her flying sword and disappeared in a flash.

"Let's go!"

Similarly, Torski from Russia also roared, rushing to the sky.

For a time, near the Hawaiian Islands, the powerful beings above the Golden Core Realm fell down and disappeared.

"Sha Ba, Ao Dian, should we go as well?" E Kui popped its head out of the waves and asked via voice transmission.